Image segmentation-based optimization algorithms: A Review

Document Type : Review papers


1 Electrical Engineering Deparmtment, Faculty of Engineering, Aswan University

2 Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University


Image segmentation is the division of a digital image into multiple subgroups of pixels known as Image Objects. This procedure can minimize the complexity of the image, making image analysis easier. Image Segmentation is one of the most crucial areas in computer vision and one of the oldest research questions. There are many useful applications of image processing such as image sharpening, blurring, grayscale conversion, and edges detection that can be utilized in different domains. Digital image processing employing neural networks has gained popularity recently because of the expansion of artificial intelligence algorithms and its ecosystem. It can be used in a wide range of industries, including security, banks, the military, agriculture, law enforcement, manufacturing, and medicine.


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