A multi-analytical approach for the archaeometric identification of natural dyes in Coptic Textiles, Nubia museum at Aswan, Egypt

Document Type : Original papers


1 Chemistry Department Faculty of Science Aswan University Aswan Aswan

2 Organic Restoration Dept., Faculty of Archaeology, Aswan University, Egypt,

3 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Aswan University, Aswan, 81528 Egypt

4 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Aswan University, Egypt.

5 Conservation Dept., Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Egypt,


Various analysis methods were used to identify the dyes used in a historical samples of dyed wool from a rare Coptic fabric was collected from the Nubia Museum in Aswan and their state of deterioration to create a plan for the preservation and restoration of the textile collection in this museum. High-performance liquid chromatographic methods, with ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry detection (HPLC-UV/Vis) , FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometers were used to identify dyes and SEM scanning to determine degradation Caused by changes in the surface morphology of the Coptic sample. The results indicated that mixtures of organic dyes were used in this object in order to produce different colours. Such as indigo and madder, etc, were identified. The analytical results revealed that the wool sample suffered from deterioration, Moreover, The most frequently identified dyes included, and the results indicate that mixtures of organic dyes are used in dyeing these samples to produce different colours. The most dominantly identified colourants in samples collected from the Museum are laccaic acid, kermesic acid, munjistin and indigotin. The most dominantly identified dyestuffs are lac dye (Kerria lacca, Kerr), kermes ( Kermesvermilio), madder (Rubia) species and indigoid dye source, either indigo (Indigofera species)or woad ( Isatis tinctoria L.) the results helped dating of the historical object which belong to Sixth century AD.


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